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Hello Beautiful! 

Welcome to my little corner of the world

Since you’re here let me tell you a little about myself.

My name is Nseandra (Na-Shawn-dra) and I am a native New Yorker. I’m an artist by trade, an encourager by nature and a lover of writing, fashion, beauty, laughter and life itself!

My faith in God is truly my foundation. I am fully cognizant of the fact that everything that I am is through Him and without Him I am nothing. I am consistently overwhelmed with His love for me and I look for His handprint in everything I do.

But that wasn’t always the case…



There was a time not too long ago when I believed that the details of my identity, interests, hobbies and natural inclinations were all random. I didn’t believe that these things held any actual merit in my overall purpose. If I’m honest, certain aspects of my personality even felt like hinderances. I never fit in, I was always too much of one thing or not enough of something else.

Sound familiar?

Thankfully, over time God has shown me that nothing about me is by happenstance or coincidence. God has left nothing to chance. Instead, He handcrafted me with specific traits, desires, gifts, and talents all to be used for His glory. Every little detail of my life, every hobby and experience, the good, and the heartbreakingly painful are all opportunities for His light to shine through me.

Friend, the same can be said about you.

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
— Matthew 5:16

That is my mission, to be a conduit that points everyone who sees me back to Christ.

For me, that looks like reflecting Christ through my writing, art, fashion and beauty content. It looks like encouraging others to believe that there is divine purpose in every part of who they are. But what does it look like for you?

I’m here to help you find out!

I invite you to join me and I hope that as we navigate this journey you’ll learn, grow, laugh, and heal with me and together we will embrace the fullness of who we are in Christ Jesus. Let’s live a life worthy of our calling! (Ephesians 4:1)

With endless love,


My greatest desire is to live and leave behind a legacy of love; a legacy of Christ. To live by example.
— nseandra
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Seven Things About Me That A Google Search Won’t Tell You…

  • I am the youngest of seven children.

  • I LOVE PUPPIES. Not too sure how I feel about dogs.

  • I have a love/hate relationship with New York. It’s the most beautiful city on earth, it’s lively, entertaining and unlike anywhere else I’ve been. But also, its loud, dirty, overpopulated, overpriced, over- You get my point.

  • Tea over coffee ANY DAY. Honey Chamomile and Mint are my go tos.

  • Journaling is one of my favorite pastimes.

  • I’ve probably read 1,000 books in my lifetime. Its kinda my thing.

  • After God, music is my first love.

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