This Is Canaan.

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
— Genesis 28: 16

We are all living in at least one answered prayer.” I heard these words recently and they resonated with me deeply because I believe for most of us, this saying is true. If we were to take the time to examine our lives, we would see that many things that were once a hope, wish, dream, prayer, or promise is now our reality.

In the Bible, there is a man named Jacob who was facing many challenges in his life. He was on the run from his brother (whom he had wronged), and unable to return home. One night during his journey he set up camp in the desert, found a rock and laid down to sleep. It was there in the middle of the night, that Jacob had an encounter with God that shifted the trajectory of his life. (For the Full Story Read Genesis 28)

At the end of this encounter, Jacob realized two key points, God was present even in the desert, and the place where he was was Holy. In response, Jacob exclaimed, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” Then he created an altar to the Lord, and named the location, Bethel, which translates to House of God.

As I read this story recently, it became clear that the land where Jacob had laid down to rest was in fact, the very land that God had promised to give to Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham, decades prior. The Bible lets us know that Abraham, Isaac (Jacob’s father), and Jacob lived a nomadic lifestyle in the land God had promised them, never planting permanent roots. Nevertheless, throughout the course of their lives God showed up repeatedly, confirming that they were blessed, chosen, and that the promise would one day be fulfilled.

So why was Jacob so surprised when God visited him on this land? How wasn’t he aware of the sacredness of where he was? My belief is that Jacob had been so caught up with the issues of his life that he failed to realize that the ground where he stood was holy. He was unable to discern that despite the tumultuous state of his life, he was actively walking in the promised land; Canaan. It’s important to note that the place where Jacob was probably didn’t look like much, it didn’t yet possess the sparkle that one would associate with the promised land.

This brings another Biblical story to mind, found in the book of Mark, there was a man in the Bible who was blind, and had come to Jesus for healing. In response, Jesus led the man away, spat in his eyes, and asked, “Can you see?” To everyone’s surprise (especially mine lol) the man replies, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.”

First, we must acknowledge that a miracle did take place, this man went from not being able to see at all, to having blurred vision. However, the miracle was incomplete. After this confession, Jesus touched the man’s eyes and his sight was fully restored. This particular story has always fascinated me, because it is one of the few instances in the Gospels where we are able to witness a miracle in motion. The blind man could have thought to himself, perhaps this isn’t the promise? Or, maybe this is as good as it gets? He could have allowed the reality of his circumstances to cause him to forget that he was in the presence of the Messiah, who could do all things. But he didn’t.

This a contrast to Jacob, who, because of his circumstances didn’t realize he was dwelling in the land miraculously bestowed to his bloodline by God. Jacob could have missed that he was in the middle of a miracle in motion. Decades later, Jacob’s offspring would enter the land of Canaan and inhabit the land, putting down roots and forming a nation that still exist to this very day; Israel.

That is the faithfulness of GOD.

So I’ll ask, is your current reality simply a miracle in motion? Is it possible that you are already walking in the promised land, the space of answered prayers, but are allowing the pressures of life to prevent you from seeing that God is right here with you? Friend, are you so taken up with the things that have not yet materialized in your life that you’re missing the fact that this is a holy place?

Beloved, for many of us, this is Canaan. Perhaps the soil of our lives are not as fertile as we’d like. Perhaps, there are still areas of our lives where we are waiting, but wait well knowing that this is the place of yesterday’s answered prayers, and God is with you.

This is Canaan, and in due season you will inhabit the land and see everything clearly.


Prayer of Salvation

"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

- Romans 10:9 NIV

None of us are perfect and sometimes we lose our way. Thankfully, God is gentle, merciful, faithful, and always willing to forgive us if we repent. Perhaps you are in a season where are you are experiencing distance from God. Maybe you’ve returned to your former ways of being. Or maybe you’ve never known him at all.

Today, God is asking you to return to Him and promising that he will accept you wholeheartedly. If you fit into this category, then I invite you to pray the prayer of salvation below. It is a verbal compassion that you believe Jesus is the son of God and you are asking him to wash away your sins and accept you into his kingdom, it is the acknowledgment that from this moment that you desire God to lead your life. Simply believe in your heart as you read this prayer aloud.

Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and I need a savior. I’m asking You to forgive me of my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He lived, died, and was resurrected to life. I believe that You are the only God and the only way to eternal life. Today, I’m asking You to enter my heart, change my life and lead me by the power of Your Holy Spirit, from this day forward. I need you in Jesus name. Amen.

If you’ve pray this prayer for the very first time, welcome to the kingdom of heaven! The Bible says that the angels rejoice every time someone gives their heart to God. So just imagine the party in heaven, taking place on your behalf!

FaithI Am Nseandra .Comment