Beauty For Ashes

He has made everything beautiful in its time.
— Ecclesiastes 3:11

One year ago my life was a haze of uncertainty.

One year ago I didn’t have a clue where my family and I would live.

One year ago for 26 days, I called a hotel my home.

One year ago I stood outside of my family’s home as smoke and debris filled the atmosphere.

One year ago I watched life as I had known it come to an abrupt end.

Yesterday, June 11th, 2023 marks one year since my family's home was destroyed in a fire.

God’s plan is far more beautiful than we could ever imagine and while He is a big-picture kinda guy, he is still also invested in the details of our lives. Regardless of what you may be going through let me remind you that every single thing is working for your good.

Time has flown and oh what a difference a year makes... More importantly, what a difference God’s peace, presence, and timing make.

In the year since, I’ve often wondered why God had allowed my family and me to walk down this difficult and painful path. While my joy remained intact, I still had so many questions.

Allow me stop here and encourage you. None of the circumstances you face in life will come as a surprise to God. Not one. The Bible tells us that He is both the author and the finisher of our faith. He actively writes out our stories and guess what?

In the end, we win! The game of life is rigged in favor of the Children of God.

Now, because I am human I still wish that God had chosen another, simpler, easier, less traumatic way to get His work done. Yet still, my resolve remains the same. As David said in the Bible,

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.
-Psalms 119:71

I and my family have lived those words. Through affliction God has shown Himself to be our Father, friend, provider, teacher, counselor, husband, lawyer, accountant, advocate and so much more. To God alone be the glory!

God’s plan is far more beautiful than we could ever imagine , and while He is a big-picture kinda guy, He is also invested in the details of our lives. He has thought of everything and promises us that He will make everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). So, regardless of what you may be going through let me remind you that every single thing is working for your good. Nothing is wasted.

Hold on Friend, the beauty of it all is yet to be revealed.

I Am Nseandra .Comment