Give God Your “Yes”

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
— Joshua 1:9 NIV

When I was a kid, there was a song that was often sung in church. The lyrics said, “wherever He leads me, I will go, for I have learned to trust Him so.”

But what happens when God leads you to give Him your yes when everything within you wants to scream no?

That was the case a few short weeks ago when I boarded the plane with my family to Guyana. I pondered the potential reasoning of God, to order my steps in this direction, and none seemed to make much sense.

I had put no effort towards the trip, and yet, my ticket was booked and the dates set. I has not planned, or organized a single thing, and there I was. The only thing that was  abundantly clear was it was God’s will for me to go. I just couldn’t figure out why.

You see, I hadn’t been there since I was a teen, and as memory served me, it wasn’t a place I was eager to return to. Our previous family trips had been marked by the death of a loved one, sweltering heat, and all of the restrictions that came with being a child in a foreign environment. As a result, the only potential appeal this vacation held was the opportunity to see family that I hadn’t seen in years.

At 30,000 ft above the surface of the earth, I prayed for the best, but in my heart I was truly apprehensive because I believed I already knew what to expect. Boy oh boy, was I wrong.

Here’s a snippet from my journal entry on the day of my return:

In hindsight, I realize that I need to expect more from You. I need to expect You to show up for me in the ways You always have. I need to expect You to exceed my expectations and bring me joy, even in the most UNLIKELY places. Because You always do. You always have, and You always will.

Hammock Life, Guyana.

Through my yes, God changed my perspective. Moreover, my yes was not just for my benefit, but for the benefit of those whom God had assigned to me on the journey. There were people I met simply to pray for, lend encouragement to, support, and to testify. I was even privileged to cohost a family worship night, where I led many of my relatives in the sinner’s prayer.

Today, I stand amazed by God, and I encourage you to trust Him in your own life. His plan may not be conventional. It may not make sense, but remember our understanding is limited. God knows exactly what we want, need, and what will ultimately bring us joy. Even more, you never know just how impactful your one little yes can be. Give God your yes, and He’ll exceed your expectations.

Prayer of Salvation

"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

- Romans 10:9 NIV

None of us are perfect and sometimes we lose our way. Thankfully, God is gentle, merciful, faithful, and always willing to forgive us if we repent. Perhaps you are in a season where are you are experiencing distance from God. Maybe you’ve returned to your former ways of being. Or maybe you’ve never known him at all.

Today, God is asking you to return to Him and promising that he will accept you wholeheartedly. If you fit into this category, then I invite you to pray the prayer of salvation below. It is a verbal compassion that you believe Jesus is the son of God and you are asking him to wash away your sins and accept you into his kingdom, it is the acknowledgment that from this moment that you desire God to lead your life. Simply believe in your heart as you read this prayer aloud.

Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and I need a savior. I’m asking You to forgive me of my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He lived, died, and was resurrected to life. I believe that You are the only God and the only way to eternal life. Today, I’m asking You to enter my heart, change my life and lead me by the power of Your Holy Spirit, from this day forward. I need you in Jesus name. Amen.

If you’ve pray this prayer for the very first time, welcome to the kingdom of heaven! The Bible says that the angels rejoice every time someone gives their heart to God. So just imagine the party in heaven, taking place on your behalf!