God's Timing

“When the time is right I, the Lord, will make it happen. ”
— ISAIAH 60:22 (NLT)

This past week I painted my room and I’m sure I’m in love. It’s a soft blush pink named, Forever Faithful. A fitting name, and an absolutely stunning color that only further confirms God’s faithfulness in His timing.

The thing is it took seven months to complete this task. Seven months of staring at my walls littered with polka dot paint swatches. Seven. Long Months.

Let me explain. Back in June of 2022, my house was destroyed in a fire and as a result, my family and I are currently living in a temporary home until our new home is rebuilt. As you can probably imagine the process of getting settled and readjusted has not been easy. Anyone who has ever moved knows that something always seems to slip through the cracks, and in my case, it was painting my new space. I had begun the process of picking out colors and sampling them, but then it seemed as if I had hit a roadblock. Although it was a burning desire in my heart, there always seemed to be something more important that needed my attention.

As a praying woman, I prayed diligently about this project. I wanted it done and couldn't figure out why in this one area there never seemed to be enough time, energy, etc. The response I received was…silence. Needless to say, I was frustrated. The reality is wanting something that seems to continuously evade you will eventually lead to frustration. Or as the Bible so eloquently says it,

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick.”Proverbs 13:12

Nevertheless, I continued to pray and make failed attempts at scheduling a day to complete the process.

Then one-morning last week I woke up with a surge of energy and one task in mind, paint! Sure, I had a million other things that I could do, (thankfully none of them were urgent) yet somehow I just knew it was time. I decided to lay aside every other item on my to-do list and focus solely on painting. In hindsight, I can honestly say that if I had to sum up the entire process in one word it would be, ease. Ease that cannot be explained or rationalized. God kept His word, His promise, that when the timing was right He would be the one to do it. He granted me the stamina and even the help that I needed via my sister. Hours later, I stood in the center of my room, with new pink highlights in my hair (lol), covered in, and surrounded by the forever faithfulness of God. The timing, although it did not initially seem ideal, was perfect. Why? Because it was God’s timing.

I have concluded that day last week was the day that God had set aside for that project to be completed. I’ve pondered His reasoning. Why seven months? Why a random weekday? Why this way? Perhaps to teach me patience and perseverance? Or to encourage me that He is listening to my other more pressing and long-standing prayers even when He’s silent? Or maybe it was for you, the person reading this post. Is it possible that this is to remind you that God's timing exudes perfection; that as you wait and pray He is listening?

Beloved, God, in His infinite wisdom has already marked the date on His calendar when every good thing He has in store for us will become a reality. Moreover, He promises that as long as it’s in His timing He will take on the responsibility of making it happen. What a beautiful assurance. What safety and security are found in this oath.

So why worry? Why be afraid? Why withhold our trust from the God who truly is forever faithful? Beloved, God will do it all for you and me. But only in His perfect timing. Wait well and trust Him.