How To: Fashion Without Funds


Do you love fashion? Do you love putting pieces together to create the perfect outfit? But are all of your dream outfits collecting dust in online shopping carts or Pinterest boards? Are you broke? Low on funds? Praying for a miraculous 99% off sale? Girl, let me help you! I know exactly how you feel and I have some tips that can save your wardrobe and your wallet!


I remember rummaging through my mother’s closet and trying on whatever would fit me, collecting all of the outfits that my older sisters (who were teens in the 90s) would hand off to me. I can recall spending hours mix and matching pieces until I could conjure up the perfect concoction for the upcoming occasion. My evenings after school would consist of some variation of showering, eating, homework and, spending hours in front of my mirror piecing together the perfect outfit for the next day. Simply said, I have always loved clothes and fashion. I had just one problem; I could not afford the clothes I loved. You see, I grew up in a household where;

  1. I was not the only child.

  2. I was a first-generation child, born to immigrant parents from a poverty-stricken country where clothing was purchased as needed.

  3. My parents had a mortgage.

So basically, my fashion sense was NOT a priority. As a result, my style was expressed vicariously through various dress-up games on the internet), raiding my mother’s closet, and images on Tumblr and Pinterest. 

Fast forward to 2021, a time riddled with Instagram and influencers whose idea of affordable is $125 blouses. Needless to say, it can be overwhelming if you love fashion but do not have the funds. Lucky for you, I have learned several ways to build up your closet without breaking the bank and I am here to share them.

Before we continue, I am going to insert this disclaimer. IF YOU HAVE A SPENDING PROBLEM, MEANING:

  1. You habitually spend money on things you do not need


  2. Or you borrow to buy (credit cards, parents, friends, significant others, etc.) things you don’t need

Come back for the next blog post Love, this one is NOT for you (lol).

The very first thing I have learned is that fashion can be affordable.

Here’s how:

  • Create a Budget


At first glance, this may seem farfetched. I get it, but we all have hobbies and activities that we love to indulge in. For example, my guiltless pleasures are makeup and clothes. However, an important bit of knowledge I’ve acquired since starting my adulting journey is the power of saving. Beloved, regardless of if you choose to buy clothes or not you need to be budgeting and saving. You cannot make the decision to splurge on clothing if your rent isn’t paid or if you don’t know how you’ll be eating next week. I mean, you can, but I certainly would not recommend it.  

Firstly, create a budget (Needs, Savings, Wants), in your Wants section carve out a portion that leaves room for your fashion purchases. Then, create a list of items you’d like to buy. Start the list with needs and directly below add the items you want to buy. It should include specific items like a black blazer, red pumps, gray turtleneck, etc. Ultimately, this list can help you spend accountably, intentionally, and perhaps most importantly not impede on your necessities!

If you can’t afford to squeeze this into your budget, I totally get it. I have been there. Trust me. Don’t worry, I have an option for you too. Consider taking inventory of the items you already own, things that are a bit older, don’t fit or are no longer your style, and sell them. In this day and age, the options to sell clothes are almost endless. Etsy, Mercari, eBay, Poshmark, Facebook Market Place, and selling your clothes to your local thrift stores are all viable options.

  • Thrift.


My initial thought when this idea was posed to me was, “why would I voluntarily wear clothes that someone else owned and did God knows what with?”You’re probably thinking the same. Well, before you spiral, I’ll give you something to consider. Since I began thrifting back in 2014 I have learned that while thrift stores do carry hand-me-downs, they also carry new and lightly worn items. I have literally purchased items with the original tags still attached! Also, most thrift stores offer clothing at discounted prices. However, I say this understanding that here in NYC thrifting is super trendy, and the options may be more limited elsewhere. So do your research!

  • Shop Outside of Your Usual Stores.

I have found some of the most beautiful pieces in the most unlikely places. Shop at places that don’t primarily sell clothes. Yep, I said it. To obtain the clothing you desire you will really have to break your patterns. Think and shop outside of the box.

  • Go Through the Clearance Rack.

I cannot tell you just how much of my closet was purchased on sale or from a clearance rack. If I had to give a rough average I’d say 80%. Do not be embarrassed or ashamed, as the saying goes, “Nobody’s gonna know” and even if they do, who cares?

  • Purchase Clothing Out of Season/At the End of the Season.

The long and short of it is to buy your swimwear for Christmas. Now you may be wondering, “Nseandra, how the heck do you expect me to find a bathing suit in December?” That clearance rack girl, that’s how! Or you know, the internet. The fact is items are usually significantly less expensive when they’re out of season. So while this may require a bit of a search, I promise you it will be well worth it.

  • Subscribe to Email Lists to Be Alerted On Sales.

This one pretty much speaks for itself. My advice is to create an email address specifically for this so your primary email won’t be flooded with ads, and I assure you, they will be. Most of these companies will send you emails at least once a week. Oh yeah, don’t forget to fill in your B-day if the option is available. Certain companies will send you a discount during your birthday month. Forever 21 comes to mind. You’re welcome.

  • Buy Statement Pieces.


This is perhaps the most important nugget I leave with you in this post (other than budgeting and saving, of course). Buy pieces that you can use interchangeably. For instance, a summer blouse that can be paired with a blazer in the fall or winter. This allows you to have multiple uses from one purchase. Another example of this is to purchase items that will make your outfit stand out. These items include but are not limited to, blazers, jewelry, scarves, hats, boots or booties, belts, jackets, and coats.

  • Buy a Sewing Machine and Become a Designer.

This process will perhaps cost the most in terms of energy and time. However, the brightest side to this is your pieces will be one of a kind. Think about it who doesn’t want to be the person who walks into the room with an outfit that can’t be found anywhere else? Also, keep in mind, a few purchases of fabric will be able to make multiple pieces. Another option is using the machine to refurbish pieces you already have and no longer wear. Turn a button-up into a crop top, or turn your jeans into shorts, make an off-the-shoulder sweater out of your turtleneck. Get creative!


No, this is blog is not sponsored. Yet lol. Either way, this is my honest opinion. I shop at the above-listed stores regularly. Do you want to know why? THEY ALWAYS HAVE SALES. 

  • SHEIN, a Chinese-based online boutique has a sale every single day. I am not exaggerating, their ‘Flash Sale’ section has daily updates.

  • Since announcing their bankruptcy a few years ago Forever 21’s sales seem to be on a rolling basis and as I mentioned before they offer all registered customers an annual birthday discount.

  • Lastly, Boohoo, is another online boutique that almost always has a site-wide sale, and even when there isn’t, their ‘Sale’ section is always well-stocked.

  • Be Patient. 

Rome wasn’t built in a day and your closet won’t be either unless you hit the jackpot. In that case, call me lol. Seriously though, it’s okay if you can’t purchase your items in bulk. Pace yourself and buy your items one by one if you need to. You will get to the closet you desire eventually. After all, fashion is a life-long pursuit.

Yours Truly, in Soho, New York.

Yours Truly, in Soho, New York.

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FashionI Am Nseandra .