I Heard Him Whisper

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
— Joshua 1:9 NIV

I anxiously tapped the screen of my phone, eagerly hoping that the page would load. Exiting the app, I refreshed the page as a prayer slipped passed my lips. “God, please help.” My efforts were in vain, because no matter how I tried the circular loading symbol remained in the center of the screen, taunting me. The voice that floated through the speakers dragged me from my efforts, letting me know my time was up. I had to go.

A screenshot of my screen that wouldn’t load.

I walked towards the stage, mic in hand, a smile displayed across my face and a silent prayer in my heart. “Holy Spirit, this has to be You.” I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the glaring lights, and counted down the seconds until the instrumental melody flooded the room. Everything was as it should be, except for one small detail… I couldn’t remember the lyrics.

After hours of practice and an impromptu rehearsal the 1st and 2nd verses were jumbled in my mind and I couldn’t decipher which lines came first. Inhaling, I released my faith in song, my heart rate rising as I neared the dreaded moment. Then, seconds before the impending embarrassment, I heard a gentle whisper in my spirit, “figured out, and you’re watching us now.” Stunned, I echoed what I heard. Moments later as I began the second stanza the whisper came again, “In control and now we know.”

I heard Him whisper.

As clearly as I can hear the clicking of keys on my laptop, I heard Him whisper to me.

It is important to know that prior to this day I had spent hours toiling over the idea of singing again. There had been several moments in my past where I had given up on this passion altogether.However, a few weeks earlier while in prayer I felt the urge to surrender and recommit my voice to God. In obedience, I did and promised God that I’d allow Him to use my voice however He chose to, regardless of how I felt. A few weeks later I was asked to sing during my church’s Sunday service. I was terrified and instinctively, my response was no. Then I remembered, the vow I made to God and also His promise to me; that He’d be with me wherever I went. So with vivid trepidation in my heart, I said yes.

As Christians, we believe that God is always with us. This is vital to the Christian faith, but it is equally important to know that God is not just a silent partner in our lives. Rather, He is an active participant who is always willing to be our help, if we will let Him be. Sometimes that might look like being forced to depend on the Holy Spirit to literally give you the courage or strength to face a daunting task. Or, in my case, to whisper the lyrics to you at the perfect moment.

I poured out my heart and soul as I realized in an instance when I had no option but to rely on Him, He showed up for me in a way that I couldn’t even fathom.

“You made a way, when our backs were against the wall and it looked as if it was over, You made a way, and I’m standing here only because You made a way.”

Captured by: Shania Dolphin

Ironically enough, the lyrics of the song testified of exactly what God was doing in that moment; making a way. In hindsight I wondered why I didn’t reach for my mother, or sister’s phones, both of whom were seated directly beside me. Yet, I realize that God wanted to show me that He is reliable. He was enforcing the fact that when all of my human options and efforts seemed to fail, He’d have my back.

Whew! I am in awe of the God who loves me so well.

Friend, we can face our fears confidently, knowing that God is our ever present help in times of trouble. When He calls us to feats that seem bigger than us, and we chose to surrender willingly and follow Him, He will always make a way. Whether a whisper or a shout, or perhaps a dose of courage, God will make a way.