Moments, Memories and the Mission…


Take a deep breath.

Did you feel that? Did you feel the air flood your lungs? Did you feel the gush of release? Did you notice that for a single second everything around you stood still?

Everything except your heartbeat.

Beloved, you are alive. Hopefully, that isn’t news to you, but let me ask you this; are you living? Are you making the most of the breath you’ve been given?

S’mac. East Village, New York. 2023.

Many of us spend our lives waiting for a big break, an exciting event or opportunity. We can become so fixated on looking ahead that we don’t realize life is passing is by. Trust me, I get it.

Oftentimes we treat today as a subpar means to an end; a stepping stone to a greater, more exhilarating day in the future. We throw away the days that lack instagram worthy moments as though they are spare change, tossed aside, forgotten and eventually finding it’s way into the crevices of our couches.


How audacious of us to be so entitled that we forget that tomorrow is not promised. We must remember that when all is said and done all we will be left with are moments, memories and the failure or execution of our God-given mission…

Soho, New York. 2023.

Beloved, I am encouraging you to LIVE. Partner with God and create those moments. Wear that outfit that you’ve been saving for the perfect event. Be spontaneous and plan a trip. Or, simply pursue each day as an adventure no matter how mundane the tasks may seem.

There is joy to be experienced in the routine moments of life. Pro tip, joy often begins and ends with gratitude. Look for reasons to be grateful and suddenly minimal moments become memorable. I am learning that it is as we are living out these moments God lays out a roadmap that displays His mission for our lives.

Soho, New York. 2023.

Do not wait for the success of life to arrive in order to create lasting memories. The truth is if you don’t learn to soak up every bit of the goodness of life here you won’t know how to do it there either. Rather, you will arrive at your destination looking ahead for the next stop on the train. A vicious cycle of dissatisfaction.

If you are single and waiting to be married, live. If you are newly divorced and learning to navigate solitude, live. If you are a couple waiting for a child, live. If you are a college student counting down the days to graduation, live. If you are an actor waiting for your big break, you guessed it… live.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

— JOHN 10:10

The abundance of life may not bring you riches and fame, but it does lend you a treasure; your breath, and your heartbeat. That alone is a well of opportunity.

New York City Skyline at Night. 2023.

I wholeheartedly believe that God has given each of us enough to enjoy a beautiful life. Beloved, shift your expectations for tomorrow and perspective on today and allow yourself to thoroughly experience the moments that create lifelong memories. I assure you that along the way God will meet you and He will reveal the mission He’s reserved just for you.

Little Italy, New York. 2023.