Stand Your Ground

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

- John 10:10

“Do not forget who you are.

Do not forget who I called you to be.

Do not cower at the sight of opposition, for I have made you defiant;

I have given you power to resist the devil’s schemes.

Do you trust Me?

Do you trust that I AM with you?

Do you trust that I have given you power and authority to tread upon scorpions and serpents?

Resist the devil and he will flee.

Do not cower.

Do not succumb to his schemes and tactics; schemes and tactics that are meant to destroy and distract you.

Look up child, and focus on Me.

Look up. Where is your help?

Don’t allow your mind to be the devil’s playground.

Stand your ground.

I AM walking alongside you. Stand your ground.

I will never leave or forsake you. Stand your ground.

Though the tides may rise, and the dam breaks, stand your ground.

You are supernaturally equipped. Power. Authority. Wisdom. Instruction. Direction. My Breath, My Blood, My Son, My Spirit, My Word, Yours. All yours.

Be defiant in the face of adversity.

Let your faith rise and trust Me.

Trust Me.

Trust Me.

Trust Me.


FaithI Am Nseandra .Comment