2022 In Reflection: The Beginning Of A New Era


The Promise of New Beginnings: Expectations vs. Reality

As 2022 began I prayed. I asked God to reveal His intention for me in the coming year. His response came with ease and confirmation.

My focus word would be “Blossom” and my anchor scripture?

Isaiah 43:18-19

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

My expectations were high. The idea of new things springing to life overwhelmed me in the best possible way. Finally! All that I had been praying for would be realized. BUT as I sit here and write to you today I can safely say that when God speaks we have to be very, very careful to manage our expectations of how that promise will be fulfilled.

  • Saying Goodbye To The Way Things Used To Be

On the morning of June 11th there was a massive fire in my home that damaged over two thirds the building. I watched in horror as my childhood home of 16 years was destroyed by fire and water. Suddenly, and without warning my family and I were thrusted into what felt like an alternate reality. We packed the few belongings that were salvageable, piled into our car and drove to a nearby hotel. One of two that we would live in for the next 28 days.

I thank God everyday that no one was seriously injured, but even so grief still came. I grieved the loss of all of my daily routines, patterns, habits, schedules, routes, my room, personal belonging and so much more. Perhaps the most devastating loss was the death of the way I thought things would be. You see, in order for something new to begin, another must end and in my case this was not the way I thought it would happen at all.

  • The Year The Weapons Formed But Did Not Prosper

I wish that I could say that the fire was the only hit but it was not. In the months that followed a new health challenge arose for me, my aunt passed away suddenly and tragically and my father became severely ill and was hospitalized. There were moments that felt as though we were surrounded on all sides. BUT GOD. What I learned with unshakeable resolve in 2022 is that God truly is a protector and while the weapons may form against His children, they will NEVER PROSPER.

  • The Undisguised Blessings

Immediately after the fire the Lord spoke, making it very clear that He intended for this new season to be one of rest. Now, if you know me, you know that rest may have well been a curse word to me. I have always been a doer but in this instance, I had no choice but to rest. What I found was so beautiful. I learned the true meaning of Matthew 6:33.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

-Matthew 6:33

I lived it. I learned what it means to rest in God and be pampered by Him, to trust Him for my every single need. He lavished me with love, encouragement and an abundance of newness. Suddenly, things I had been praying over for years began to come to life right before my eyes.

  • Launch Into New Beginnings

As the season of rest dwindled away the work began. I found myself catapulted into a new role of leadership albeit reluctantly. I soon learned however, that my hesitant obedience would be the unfolding of a beautiful undisguised blessing. A blossoming of sorts. God flooded my life with community, accountability and even friendship. I learned that when we say yes to God (even when we want to say no) He will exceed our expectations.

  • Disappointment.

I was certain that 2022 would end with bold finality. I just knew that by December 31st certain long-standing issues would be laid to rest and I would enter this new year with a new set of goals, priorities, responsibilities and prayers. That is not what happened, rather the year ended with a comma. I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was so much left on the table and that was so disappointing. Perhaps, if my expectations had been different I wouldn’t have felt so disoriented, but again we must learn to not hold God hostage to the way we believe things will be. Besides, a comma is simply a promise that there is more to come. Which leads to my final point.

  • The Resolution: God’s Timing Is Perfect… God’s Method’s Are Perfect.Trust him.

On January 2022 I heard God say, “Watch and see what I’m going to do. Don’t get stuck on the ways. Don’t get stuck on the methods. Don’t get stuck on the routes.“ At the time I was certain that I knew what He was referring to but…hindsight is indeed 20/20. God is not restricted to our desires or preferences. He truly is Sovereign and His creative capacity for how He brings about His will is endless. He alone knows the best timing for the things that we are waiting and praying for. He alone knows the pathway that will produce the most growth in each of us. Ultimately, it is only when we learn to trust that He really does know what He is doing that we can rest in Him and enjoy the journey.

Note To Reader: Thank you so much for following alongside my journey this year, and for many of you last year as well. Your support is priceless to both me and God. Now, I will be honest with you and myself. I mean, how do we grow without honesty right?

In 2022 I dropped the ball with this blog. I did not show up consistently and for that I apologize. By the grace of God in 2023 that will change. Agree with me that this is the year that we get ourselves together and be about our Father’s business. This is the year that we align ourselves with God’s will for our lives, get out of our own way and move forward. My prayer is that whether or not you travel this journey alongside me, your steps will only lead you closer to the one who truly matters, JESUS.

I love you!