You Were Created For A Time Like This…


Have you ever found yourself wondering, “Why was I created?”What is the purpose for my life? Why am I here?”

Have you ever asked yourself? Why was I placed on this earth, with these specific traits, in this family, in this location, at this specific time in history? Is it a coincidence? Was it divinely orchestrated?

Friend, do you know?

This is an age-old question that never seems to produce a single response that we can unanimously agree on. Some believe that question can only be answered as life unfolds. Others, because of it’s sheer complexity, simply ignore it. Do you want to know what I think? I believe that in order to know the true purpose for the creation of anything you must consult it’s manual or manufacturer. In the case of humanity, the manufacturer is God, and the manual? The Bible.

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
— Esther 4:14

According to the Bible nothing about you or I has ever been unintentional. Each second of our lives, down to the finite details has been mapped out by God. He has created each of us divinely for a purpose much, much bigger and more impactful than our individual lives. One of my favorite Biblical stories is of an orphaned girl who becomes Queen. Queen Esther was a Jew, exiled to a foreign nation. She wins the heart of the King of this nation and marries him. However, in an effort to protect herself, her Jewish heritage remains undisclosed. That is until an evil man threatens to annihilate her entire community, wrongfully. Queen Esther is faced with the choice to remain silent, saving herself and hiding her identity or seeing the beautiful opportunity she has been given to potentially save her people. Esther quickly realizes that what once seemed like an unfavorable aspect of who she is is actually the very thing that God would use to rescue a nation. She learns that God had sent her to the palace, perfectly positioning her for that specific moment. Queen Esther chose to be bold even at the possibility of it costing her very life. As a result, both her and her people were saved.

Now before you say this is just an encouraging tale from the Bible, lets take a look at our own lives. Like Queen Esther there are people waiting on you to take ownership of the identity and position that God has given you. Nothing about who you are, where you are located, the family you were born into, or your personality is an accident. You are not too tall, too short, too quiet, too loud, too serious, or too comical for the role God has for you. God made you with your traits, talents, personality, family, and passion in mind, then He placed you were those things could be refined, nurtured and eventually be used to bring harmony to a dire situation.

Understanding that you were created intentionally for the purpose of shifting the world around you at the specific time you are alive is empowering. It means that you are equipped for impact. It means that all of the gifts, talents, and things that you are anointed for are not only useful, but necessary for the growth of the world around you. It means that whatever you are facing at this moment, or the next…you have the power through God to overcome. Beautiful person, you were born to shift things. You are a God-sent answer to a problem that currently exists in your world.

Today, I encourage you to seek God on how you should use your voice, gifts, talents and resources to be the person God has created you to be. Once you know for sure, step into the space He has ordained for you BOLDLY. Do not remain silent. Do not remain hidden. God has groomed you and equipped you for the destiny He has created for you. He has prepared you for this moment in history.

Beloved, you were created for a time like this. Believe it.