Building Amidst Opposition

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
— Matthew 7:24 NIV

As Christians, we should be aware that when we set out to do the work of God, opposition will inevitably arise. It is no different in this season. 2024 will be the year of God’s restoration. I shared more about this in my previous blog post, A New Level Of Focus: Beware Of Distractions (if you haven’t read it, click here). While this is a reason to celebrate, it is also a reason to be equipped on how to handle the obstacles that will surface as we walk through this year.

It is important to note that not everyone will understand the calling that God has given you. Not everyone will see the vision that the Lord has placed on your heart. This means that there may be moments in your life where God asks you to do something, to build something, and it will require you to build in the midst of opposition.

In the book of Nehemiah, God laid it on Nehemiah‘s heart to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. At this point Jerusalem was an almost abandoned city with a wall that had been broken down and tarnished after years of neglect. Although Nehemiah was extremely passionate about this project he faced extreme levels of resistance from those around him. He encountered attacks from outside enemies, slander, and even weariness within his own camp. It seemed as though with every step forward, he was confronted with another Goliath that needed to be defeated.

Perhaps you are in a similar situation. Maybe God has instructed you to begin a project, write a book, go back to school, get married, start a business, or buy a home and all along the journey you have been met with obstacle after obstacle. So how do you build in obedience to God when it seems as if you are facing opposition on every side? I highly suggest that you read the book of Nehemiah in the Bible, but for now let’s take a look at Nehemiah’s story:

Prayer & Selective Silence

“The officials did not know where I had gone or what I was doing, because as yet I had said nothing to the Jews or the priests or nobles or officials or any others who would be doing the work.”

- Nehemiah 2:16

Before making his first move, Nehemiah prayed and fasted. Once he received wisdom, strength and instruction from the Lord, he was extremely selective with who he chose to share his plans with. As a matter of fact, he did not reveal the vision God had given him until he arrived in Jerusalem. Similarly, we should pattern our behavior after Nehemiah’s. Sometimes in our excitement we can overshare or share prematurely with persons who do not have the same vision or capacity for what God has shown us. Pray about every single detail in the building process and choose who you share with wisely.

Believe God, Believe That You Heard Him Correctly

“They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.“

- Nehemiah 2:18 NIV

There are moments during our pursuit of our God-given assignment where we mistake resistance from the enemy as a sign that we did not hear God correctly and are on the wrong path. This is a trick that dates all the way back to Eve and the serpent in the garden. The serpent asked a simple question, “did God really say?” Nehemiah never doubted what God had led him to do. He believed that he was truly doing God’s will and remained dedicated until the task was completed.

Make Audaciously Bold Request, God Has Your Back

Nehemiah made bold request while admittedly, being afraid. For context, Nehemiah was an exile in a foreign land. He and his people were in captivity and he happened to be a servant of the king in the nation that held them captive.

When the king inquired about Nehemiah seeming upset, Nehemiah was honest about what was troubling him and was brave enough to ask the king to temporarily leave his service and rebuild the wall of his home nation.

This alone was a bold move, but Nehemiah went a step further and asked the king to supply the material for the wall that needed to be built. Preposterous right? No. Nehemiah realized that God’s favor and endorsement was upon him and it emboldened him to ask for more. In the same way, ask God and those He has placed in your life for exactly what you need. Do not be afraid. Do not worry that your request is too far fetched, God’s favor is with you and the answer will be “YES.”

Be Prepared For A Fight

“Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other.”

- Nehemiah 4:17

One of the key points that the Lord has emphasized in this season is the need for our focus, and this is perfectly displayed in the book of Nehemiah where at one point upon realizing the tactics of the enemy Nehemiah directed his people to hold a tool to build in one hand, and a weapon in the other as they worked. In this season, we must be prepared to defend what God has given us to build. It is important to note that our weapons of war are not physical weapons. Rather, as Christian our weapons are our faith in God, the Word of God, and the Blood of Jesus.

God Fights With You and For You

“When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, we all returned to the wall, each to our own work.”

- Nehemiah 4:15 NIV

One of my favorite lines in this story is where Nehemiah recounts the fact that the Lord had revealed the plan of the enemy. This meant that before the attack could even come, Nehemiah was able to arm the builders. They were ready to fight back before the opposition had even formed.

Friends, we also must be ready to fight back and defend what the Lord has given us to build in this season. The restoration that the Lord has promised in this year requires our participation. We must be well equipped when the opposition inevitably comes. The beautiful part of it all is that when we partner with God there is no possibility of us losing. For God can never be defeated.

Get to work Friend, it’s time to build.