A New Level Of Focus: Beware Of Distractions

A new season will require new capacity.
— God

Instinctively we become excited when we hear the word, “new”. This word is almost always associated with the concept of “good”. Most of us eagerly anticipate the new things that life has to offer, but how often do we consider the demand of acquiring and maintaining something new?

A new season will inevitably require new capacity and in 2024 that means you will need a greater capacity to focus. By it’s very nature, newness implies a thing that has never been experienced before. So how should you move forward in this unknown space? With God leading the way.

In this post, I will share the five specific instructions the Lord has revealed to me for this new season.

Expect Change. Spoiler Alert: It Starts With You

A few months ago I heard a simple sentence in my spirit.

“I Am calling you up higher. ”

Just as a rental lease and a mortgage differ in stipulations and responsibilities, so will the requirements of your new season differ from that of your last. 2024 may require you to change your methods, perspectives, sharpen your ability to hear God’s voice, increase your discipline, obedience, and prayer time, and most importantly, it will require a deeper level of focus.

Know Your (God-Given) Priorities

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Roman 12:2 NIV

God has promised restoration to His children and we cannot afford to be distracted. The promised restoration will come as a result of our agreement and partnership with God. It goes without saying that we cannot work alongside God if our attention is elsewhere.  (I share more about God’s promise for restoration in 2024 in my recent post, Welcome to the Leap Year: 2024).

One of the most deceptive aspects to distraction is that it often appears as something good, necessary or urgent. But in this season, we must seek God to know exactly what He is requiring of us, and to know what we need to prioritize. Opportunities and obstacles will inevitably arise with a singular motive: to distract you. In those moments, your ability to discern God’s will, and remain focused will be tested. My prayer is you will pass the test every time.

Keep Your Emotions In Check

Additionally, we must be keen to guard our hearts. The word of God says,

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:23 NIV

Think about it for a second, if all of our actions stem from our hearts, and the evil one’s desire is to distract us wouldn’t his first attack be in the areas of our minds and emotions (a.k.a. our hearts)?

Friend, in the coming days beware of strategically planned circumstances that are aimed at wounding you emotionally. A wounded person may not be able to focus on anything other than the fact that they are wounded, therefore, rendering them unable to keep a productive pace. If the pace that God has designed for you to walk and work with Him in this season is not kept we risk forfeiting the restoration He has promised.

A Hard (But Necessary) Truth

In this season distractions, obstacles, and emotional hurts will sometimes come from the people closest to us. While this is not God’s desire for our lives, (or mine to be quite frank) it is still true. God is revealing this to us, because He desires us to be prepared when these situations arise. In His mercy, He is giving us a cheat code, a foreshadowing. Use it wisely and be prepared.

Seek God (FIRST)

Every other bullet becomes a moot point if this instruction is not followed first and foremost. As Christians, we understand that we can accomplish nothing in our own strength as Psalms, 121 says all of our help comes from the Lord. Therefore, we must seek Him, and it must be before all other things. I am confident that God will reveal distractions, and emotional traps, as they come. He will also reveal to you what is necessary to be prioritized every step of the way, but these revelations only come as you see Him on a daily basis.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

- Matthew 6:33

With all of this being said, I believe it is important to remind you that God wants you to win. Regardless of what obstacles present themselves in the year ahead, be encouraged that God is with you and for you, He won’t let you run the race alone. You’re in good company. Run well.

P.S. I included this song, which is also a prophetic word that I believe speaks to the exact moment we are in. I hope you enjoy, but more importantly, I pray that the Lord meets you there.


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