Finding Your Way Home


There is a home that lives inside of you

only two hold the key

with a golden hook on it’s end

there is one for you and another for Me

When you are planted in this life

sometimes you’ll lose your way

you’ll wonder if you’ll ever make it back home someday

You see, home is a space deep inside reserved for only you

It’s beyond the moment, beyond the memories

and certainly beyond a mood

Home is not your personality, your quirks,

or the things that fuel your youth

Home is the you that I made you when you were brand new

Before the world could taint you

and tell you how to think

Before the world could fit you into it’s picture perfect frame

There’s a design that was made divinely by Me

And when we partner

this is the you that you will see

It will burst through the gravel

and break down the rocks and cement

it will show you that there is a possibility for you to love again

The home I have given you is one that lives inside of Me

A version of yourself in its purest form

that I AM desperately eager for you to see

I want you to put down the fluff and let go of all the pretense

Allow me to do surgery, your heart, I can mend

Let go of all the ways you thought you’d be

I want you to hold on for dear life

But hold on only to Me

I will break down every boulder and kick down every door

I will show you that what you thought was too much

I can give you even more

I can show you why you think the way you do,

Why your heart desires what it does

I can show you that you were made for unquenchable love

This is my desire for you, My child

And how I hope you know

the key I have given you will require you to grow

So many have lost their way

They believe the path back is one they cannot find

They listen to the lies that often plague them;

tormenting their minds

But as your loving Father I can only speak the truth

and I assure that there is a home made in Me,

and in that home is the real you

So let us walk down the rugged path ahead

I promise that I’ll never leave you

no matter where you make your bed

I AM your Good Shepherd

I AM the builder of the house

Once I let you in, My love

There’s no way out

There is freedom in you being exactly who I made you to be

There is freedom, My sweet child and I desire for you to share that with Me

Come and explore yourself where the boundaries are endless

Come and find out who you are

I promise you there is a new friendship

Waiting to be birthed

when you take my arm and walk with me hand in hand

I’ll show you things and answer questions

That before you did not understand

I’ve made you with a specific design made to hold the capacity of My love

I’ve made you with visions and dreams of Heaven

Things only known to those above

Child, will you trust Me?

Will you trust Me with your life?

I promise that as we walk every single thing will be alright

I know that it can be scary

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed

But again I assure and promise you

You will never be by yourself

I will walk beside you even when the days seem dark and long

My Child, I promise you this day solemnly

You will find your way back home

We will scrape off the debris of trauma

You will let go of all the mess

You’ll divorce every lie that told you that you could not be yourself

You’ll laugh as loud as you want to

and cry when the pain comes in

You’ll forgive with ease, and mercy

and learn to begin again

You were made for truimph

You are crowned with victory

Oh, My child if only when you looked at you, you could see what I see

Nevertheless, we’ll walk this journey and we’ll walk it together

I cannot promise you that on this journey there will be perfect weather

There are many things you have yet to learn

and so much more to see

What will it take for you, Beloved, to believe Me?

I will unlock the new doors to your identity

I will raise up the floors

a new height capacity

I will give you the love you desire

I will fill your life with joy

Your hopes will come into fruition in ways you will adore

I’ll fill your days with laughter

I will fill your heart with peace

Never again will you leave this place;

that is the home you’ve found in Me.