Your God-Given Name


Are you living in the true identity God has given you?

Recently the reoccurring theme in my conversations has been names. More specifically, the power and significance of a name and how it helps to shape our identities.

A friend of mine (who may be reading this, if so, hey girl!) who is Nigerian shared that growing up she often disliked the fact that her parents had chosen to give her a traditional Yoruba name rather than an English name. She shared the cringe worthy pronunciations she’d heard over the years and overall how difficult it was to fit in.

As a result, she created a shorter, more convenient nick name. Over time the name became shorter and shorter until there was almost no trace of her original name.

The thing is my friend’s name was given to her as a prophetic declaration over her life. Her parents had intentionally chosen that name to affirm who God had already called her to be.

Now, I get it trust me, growing up with a name like “Nseandra” the temptation to find a more convenient name has been great. If I’m honest I have often introduced myself by my middle name to avoid the hassle, questions, and explanations that come with my first name.

For reference, my name was made up by two teenage girls who were excited to have yet another baby sister. Unbelievable, I know. My "made up" name had no meaning, I could never find it on a coffee mug, or key chain and that led me to believe that’s it held no true significance; no depth. Boy, was I wrong.

Here’s a funny story, it was a lazy summer day towards the end of my 7th grade school year and my teacher decided to play a game with the class. Mr. Brewer went around the room giving each student a new name according to their appearance and personality. It was a fun game and I was eager for my turn.

To my dismay when Mr. Brewer got to me he faltered. The dramatic silence in the room was broken by words that felt like a gut punch.

“Uhh…I don’t know Nseandra. You’re just Nseandra. You just look like Nseandra.“

At the time those words felt devastating. It felt like I had been highlighted with a big yellow marker; yet again the very thing that made me different and weird was on display.

Years later someone asked me the meaning of my name and I responded telling them that it was made up and had no “real meaning”. It was in that moment that I felt God nudging me to choose a meaning, and somehow the words came to me with ease, “woman of great strength and faith”. It just felt right, and was in perfect agreement with other prophetic words that had already been spoken over my life.

I have come to believe that the uniqueness of my name, the fact that it was made just for me is evidence of how intentional God has been about my identity from the very beginning.Friend, how often do we shy away from the aspects of our identities that make us unique? We convince ourselves that these traits make us unappealing, unqualified or weird. Yet, those attributes are the very stamps God has placed on us for the calling and identities He has given us.

From a biblical standpoint, names were given as a declaration of the owner’s destiny or a reflection of their current reality. In the Bible, Naomi, after losing her husband and both of her sons, changed her name to ‘Mara’ which translates to “bitter”. This was a stark contrast to the meaning of her original name which meant “gentle and pleasant”. She changed her name based on her circumstances but her identity remained.

Taking ownership of a name was often the way God would signal the entrance of a greater calling over that individual’s life.

For example, Abram became Abraham. His wife Sarai, became Sarah. Further down the line in the New Testament Paul became Saul. Once each of these persons received this new name they stepped into the amazing spaces God had already prepared for them. It is no different with us.

Your name is attached to your God-given identity. Own It.

While talking to another friend she shared a part of a conversation she had recently had with God.

“The blessings I have given to you are directly attached to the identity I have given you. Your true identity, not the one you have made up or who you pretend to be."

Whew! That was heavy.

If you’re like me, God may be calling you to embrace the name He has given you. But let’s say you’ve always loved your name, perhaps God is saying it’s time to fully step into the identity He has assigned to that name. Or maybe your name doesn't have the best meaning, perhaps you should listen for the whisper of God as He assigns you a new name... Chosen.

FaithI Am Nseandra .Comment