God is Preparing You.

What if the only reason you’re writing this blog is to learn how to flex a muscle?

That is the question I heard as I began writing this post… encouraging, I know. (You can’t see me but I’m rolling my eyes really hard LOL).

This came as I pondered my level of impact. I asked myself the questions that we all tend to ask, “Am I doing enough?” “Am I having a positive effect?”

While I know, this is what God has called me to do in this season, the questions still surface from time to time. Inevitably, as human beings we all want the assurance that our work is meaningful and effective. I am no different. So naturally this question caused me to pause and think, what if this season is merely a “test drive?” “Am I truly okay with that?”

Friend, what if the only reason you are in the season you’re in and doing the things that you are currently doing, is to prepare you for an unseen assignment in the future? It may seem farfetched but what if?

We often ask God for huge miracles without having the infrascture to support the very things we have prayed for. Before I point any fingers, I will confess that I have been guilty of this very thing on more than one occasion. I have been eager to experience the blessings of God without being patient enough to wait through the pruning season. Have you?

Some times the dreams and visions that God has given us are so incredible that we want to run ahead and skip to the good part. Meanwhile, God is saying, “I have given you a glimpse so you will know that I Am faithful and keep My Word. I have given you a glimpse so that you will have hope. But Beloved, you are not ready. Not yet. Allow Me to work in you and prepare you.”

I am learning that we have to be willing to let God prepare us in the ways He sees fit. If that means a season of service, suffering, or obscurity, then so be it. The beginning and the ending of our relationship with Jesus Christ is TRUST; and as we walk with Him it is necessary for us to know and believe that His plan for us is good regardless of how it may look and feel.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

-Jeremiah 29:11

So in this season if no one claps for you, if no one sees your efforts, if your role feels thankless, if your work does not yet appear to be bearing fruit, I want to encourage you to continue, remain, and endure. This season is the platform for your stage; where the foundational structure is being built. You are building both muscle and muscle memory which will eventually create ease and capacity for you to one day carry a heavier weight.

Keep going, Friend. God, who knows all things is using this very moment to prepare you for the beautiful and bigger blessings He has in store.