“Behold, I make all things new.” Then he said, “Write these words down, for they are trustworthy and true.”
— Revelations 21:45

There is something beautiful and humbling about standing in the reality of an answered prayer.

The sweetness of holding on, enduring, and experiencing the joy that comes in the morning. Especially after a long night of storms.

All along I imagined You were changing my circumstances, cleaning up the world around me. I thought perhaps You changed my environment because You knew I needed rest from the waves.

Is that why You shifted me so suddenly?

To give me rest on dry ground?


Instead You called me in deeper.

Catapulted out of the boat onto the turbulent sea. With each gust of wind, and every drop of water I was certain I couldn’t hold on. Yet You were my life vest and I remained afloat. My head just high enough above the water to hope for land.

I held on to that hope although some days I was tempted to let go. I assured myself that you had to pull through. You never change. You never lie, so regardless of how painful the moment; I chose to trust You.

Finally, I am ashore. I look back at the broken, battered, boat and I know that there is no way that I could have remained there. You rescued me and in the clarity that dawn has brought I see that the storm was not only to change my surroundings.

You were bringing forth something greater.

Now that it is all said and done I can see that the storm was good. Each wave was a washing. Each thunderbolt, a reminder to listen for your voice. Every strike of lightning to illuminate and electrify the journey before me.

You made me a promise that you would make all things new. In hindsight I can see that the promise was less about my circumstances and more about me.

It was less about the boat and more about the woman that water-walking toward You would produce.

Your goal from the beginning was always to make me new.

How could an old me survive in a new season? How could new wine flourish in old wine skins?

So here I am. Brand new. Firmly planted on the Solid Rock that is You ready to begin again…