Journaling Prompt: It’s Time To Finish What You’ve Started…


Woohoo! You made it! Congratulations on your first step toward finishing what you’ve started.

Before you begin, find a quiet, comfortable, place. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, a pen and something to write on. Commit to being honest with yourself, this is a judgement-free zone.

I hope you enjoy! I’ll see you at the finish line friend!

Ask Yourself…

  • What am I trying to accomplish?

  • Why am I trying to accomplish this?

  • How will this improve the quality of my life?

  • Do I lack the motivation, discipline, strategy, and/ or focus to achieve this?

  • Do I have fear concerning this area of my life?  (If you answer yes, read Isaiah 41:10.)

  • Am I knowledgeable in this area? Do I need to do more research?

  • Do I know anyone who is experienced in this area? Can I reach out to them for guidance? (If you answered no, I highly suggest the app Skillshare.)

  • Is it time to seek out an accountability partner? (If you answered yes, choose a person who isn’t struggling in the same area. A person who is honest, reliable and trustworthy.)

  • Does my life currently have the correct infrastructure to achieve and maintain this venture?

Take Practical Steps

  1. List three vital and practical steps you can take this week that will move you toward your goal. These steps do not need to be big.

  2. If needed choose your accountability partner and share your weekly list with them.

  3. Celebrate your progress at the end of the week!

  4. Assess what you did well and where there’s room for improvement. Regroup and repeat.

Final Take Away:

Resist the urge to be overwhelmed. You do not need to accomplish everything all at once. It’s perfectly okay to take baby steps, as long as you’re moving in the right direction. Remember to choose to be present and to progress over perfection.