7 Resources That Will Help Strengthen Your Relationship With God


Have you asked yourself recently, “How can I get closer to God?” Are you struggling to read your Bible consistently? Do you have a desire to deepen your relationship with God but no idea how? Or do you simply need a refresher?

Listen up because this post is for you!

Here are seven resources that helped strengthen my relationship with God.


1: The Bible App

When I first embarked on the journey of developing a closer relationship with God one of my biggest struggles was reading the Word consistently. I strugggled to find the time, energy, discipline and even the desire to read my Bible. I would open my Bible on Sunday mornings for church and it would sit and collect dust for the remainder of the week. Sound familiar?

The solution for me was the Bible App! Because of the convenience of having it downloaded on my phone I could read it during my morning or afternoon commute! I could even listen as I showered or cooked because of the audio feauture. This changed the game for me as I built the discipline of reading my Bible daily. My preference is The YouVersion Bible App, but honestly a quick search in the App or Google Play Store proves that the options are endless.


2. : Bible Plans/Devotionals

Begin a Bible plan. If you are looking for accountability, a daily reminder, and a self paced interaction look no further! The YouVersion Bible app hosts a wide array of Bible plans with topics ranging from worry and grief to confidence, finances, dating, friendship, identity, work and anything else you can think of. What I love about this is app is that you can complete a plan solo or invite a group. You can even opt in to receive daily reminders on your phone at a specific time every day.

On the other hand, if you aren’t very tech savvy, you can also purchase a physical devotional (continue reading to see the one I suggest!) Overall this resource was the biggest asset in beginning the process of opening my Bible on a daily basis. So I encourage you, find a subject that fits your current needs and begin a Bible plan!



As much as I loved reading growing up, I did not enjoy reading the Bible. Why? Because I didn’t understand what I was reading, and quickly lost interest. One of the most helpful tools I have acquired along the way is reading the Bible in a version that I understand. For me, that looked like switching from the King James Version (KJV) (which is written in old English) to the New International Version also known as the NIV. This drastically changed my perspective and understanding of what I was reading.

Another helpful tip was purchasing a study Bible. While a normal Bible will definitely do the job, I found a deeper revelation in being able to further understand the timing and context in which the Bible was written. My study Bible includes geographical information, maps, historical timelines, biographies of key characters in the Bible and contextual information on Jewish cultures. As well as, a dictionary, concordance, and best of all, in depth break downs and explanations of scripture.

Before you ask, yes, I have both the Bible app and a physical Bible and simply alternate between the two. I’ve had my study bible for three years and it is the best financial investment I have made towards deepening my walk with Christ. Amazon has a seemingly endless variety of options to choose from, including Bibles for women, men, teens, journaling, etc.

Study Bible Link: https://a.co/d/jg4hWP4

Journaling Bible Link: https://a.co/d/ixRsBGk


4. Journaling My Prayers

As a writer, this might seem like a given, but I recently realized that I process my emotions, feelings and even prayers through writing… I keep a journal where I write daily prayers in the form of letters to God. Somedays I simply recount the recent events in my life. Other days I write out prayer lists and pray over each point individually. During this time, I’ve written poems, and songs. I have even heard of people who have illustrative prayer journals were they draw or paint images! The options truly are endless and unique to you.

This process has helped me remain faithful in seeking God in prayer because writing comes naturally to me. It has also helped me with gratitude. Writing down my concerns and request leaves a literal paper trail that I can refer to whenever I need to be reminded of the prayers God has already answered on my behalf.


5. My Choice In Music

Have you ever heard the saying, “you are what you eat?” I have learned that doesn't only apply to the food we intake.

Whatever we consume, consumes us.

A few years ago I realized that a lot of the music that I was listening to didn’t glorify God. Further, it was negatively affecting my spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing. As a lifelong lover of music the process was difficult, but the answer was clear: I needed to guard my ear ways. I stopped listening to secular music all together. While such a drastic change may not ever become the case for you, it’s still important to monitor the things that are feeding your soul.

So, I have compiled some of my favorite clean and God glorifying music in a playlist just for you. Now before you before you roll your eyes and continue scrolling know that this includes everything from Christian jazz, rap, r&b, Afrobeats, country and pop. The variety is wide ranging.

My playlist: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/pl.u-EdAVz4qs5PjGz6

Try it. You may be surprised with what you find.


6. Loop For Women

Loop For Women is a Christian organization owned and operated by Mrs. Jennifer Camp. Through weekly newsletters Jennifer shares Holy Spirit- inspired letters and devotions just for women. As the site reads,

“Draw closer to God. Spirit-led devotions and exercises for today’s modern woman.”

Personally speaking, Loop has often been the fact message that I needed fromGod, at the exact time. Not only are the letters beautifully and intimately written, but they are Biblically based. The newsletter also includes weekly song and podcast suggestions, and much more.

If you are a gentleman, no worries! Loop’s brother partnership, Rush is ran by Jennifer’s husband, Justin and is geared specifically towards men. While I cannot speak from experience, if its anything like Loop then I’m sure its amazing.

Here is the link to Loop: https://www.loopforwomen.com

Here’s the link for Rush: https://www.wireformen.com


7. Joining A Small Group

When God said it isn’t good for us to be alone, He meant it. None of us, not one of us are meant to walk this road called life alone.

We are all designed for community and embracing that truth has changed my life.

When I joined my first life group back in 2021 (albeit reluctantly) from the very first meeting I knew that I was where I belonged. I realized how vital it is to have support, friendship, accountability and wise counsel in the Christian walk. Fast forward two years later, I have formed some truly amazing friendships that have been an anchor in my life in both the beautiful and tough seasons.

Many churches across the nations host belong groups both in person online. I urge you to seek one in your local church or the global online community.


And now for a bonus… 100 Days Of Believing Bigger By Marshawn Evans . I have told every woman that know to get this book. This devotional has been life changing for me. Granted, it has taken me well over a year to actually complete it. Yet still, I I have no regrets. After doing 100s of devotionals over the years I can confidently say that this was one of, if not, the best devotionals I have ever completed.

If you aren’t ready to splurge just yet, then I encourage you to try the downsized and digital version of the devotional on YouVersion’s Bible App.

The devotional book: https://a.co/d/5yRGk1i

Walking with God is about relationship NOT religion. Your walk is meant to be personal, intimate and uniquely tailored to you and Him. It is not meant to look, or feel like anyone else’s. With that being said, these resources are intended to help you co-cultivate authentic relationship, and not to provide a rigid guideline for your personal walk. No two relationships are exactly the same. Remember to seek God for yourself so that together you can develop a rhythm that works best for you.

I assure you God is eager to meet with you.