Remember To Live In the Now


What does your life’s highlight reel look like? What moments stand out distinctly in your memory? If you’re like me it’s littered with beach days, my latest vacation, graduation, or maybe yours is your wedding day, the birth of your child, or last weekend’s kickback. I imagine it is beautiful, and filled with Instagram-worthy moments.

Yours Truly, Midtown, Manhattan.

Yours Truly, Midtown, Manhattan.

But.. I have a thought-provoking question.

If your everyday life was a reel would you watch it? I mean, your everyday behind-the-scenes life, Monday through Friday. Would you look as happy, as joyful, as content in your everyday life as you do in your highlight reels? Take a second and really think about it.

If your answer is no, I get it. Trust me, I do.

Our lives are made up of a collage of small and seemingly insignificant moments. The reality is we will spend the majority of our lives doing mundane, ordinary, and routine tasks, moments that won’t necessarily stand out in our minds. As a result, we can get so caught up in our day-to-day schedules and looking forward to what comes next that we forget to live in the now. We pre-plan and reserve our joy for specific events and dates ahead. However, if we are not careful many of us will look up one day and realize regrettably that we spent our entire life waiting for the next big moment to truly live, and truly experience joy.

Yours Truly, Starbucks, Midtown Manhattan.

Yours Truly, Starbucks, Midtown Manhattan.

My advice is simple: Remember to live in the now, allow yourself to truly and thoroughly experience each moment. For better or worse. Now, I am not advocating for the idea of living for the now because living for the now negates the fact that our current actions have future consequences. That is not at all what I’m suggesting. Rather, I am saying that we should all approach each moment with the determination to live intentionally.

Food For Thought: You will never experience this moment again so don’t waste it looking behind or ahead. Be present.

With that being said, I’m encouraging you to do at least one thing you love every single day this week. My suggestion to you is to create moments and memories every day that are worthy of your life’s highlight reel. Whether that’s taking yourself on a quick walk, watching an episode of your favorite show, ordering in tonight from your favorite restaurant, having a ten-minute solo dance party. Whatever it is, do something today that will make it memorable, that will make it count. Then get up and do something else you love tomorrow. After all, life is for the living. Live well.


Yours Truly, Lake George, NY.

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